Magnet Forensics put on another amazing CTF for their user (virtual) summit this year. Much thanks to the students from Champlain for the challenge. Now that the competition is officially over, I am finally getting around to dropping some walkthroughs on how I found the answers. First up is the Egg Hunt!
Egg Hunt
Quit ROMAN around and find the ONE egg (5)
NOTE: The FULL block of text below IS the puzzle, for each level, please copy the NEW block of text located below the now decoded portion.
What is the color of the first egg?
Puzzle starts here (Copy ALL text below):
Zpv ibwf gpvoe uif CMVF fhh! Uif ofyu qjfdf pg uif qvaamf jt: Mci vojs tcibr hvs UFSSB suu (gsqfsh kcfr = Cbwcb)... hvs bslh dwsqs ct hvs dinnzs wg : KK91WUvvraIuNa91paEurUvzWS9GEI5VFGPzN2qiZw4urUvzWU5zsVEuqUzzM2Iup2MurUvzWVP1sbdgNGPdqmOco2J5WR0upKTbpaJ0YHcYo29vWVJzp3SuNbJcqbquNavfWUJdrmPlN20iZw4uN2l4WVdzNUqurUXlM2guMacupLFzWVNcNVB4NGPjNxcYMaJ5rU9ho2SvWU5gpQPcqVz5rmPhNbcupLvjM2zlWU9arQ4iZwPhNbcupaT6swPzpRcuqav6qkcY
Loading into CyberChef, we can see it's ROT13 with a -1 rotation (can also be 25).
Results show that the flag is BLUE.
You have found the BLUE egg! The next piece of the puzzle is: Lbh unir sbhaq gur TERRA rtt (frperg jbeq = Bavba)... gur arkg cvrpr bs gur chmmyr vf : JJ91VTuuqzHtMz91ozDtqTuyVR9FDH5UEFOyM2phYv4tqTuyVT5yrUDtpTyyL2Hto2LtqTuyVUO1racfMFOcplNbn2I5VQ0toJSaozI0XGbXn29uVUIyo3RtMaIbpaptMzueVTIcqlOkM20hYv4tM2k4VUcyMTptqTWkL2ftLzbtoKEyVUMbMUA4MFOiMwbXLzI5qT9gn2RuVT5foPObpUy5qlOgMabtoKuiL2ykVT9zqP4hYvOgMabtozS6rvOyoQbtpzu6pjbX
Last one there is a ROTten egg (5)
What is the special word?Throwing the next one in CyberChef, we see ROT13 again, this time with the regular 13 rotation.,true,13)&input=TGJoIHVuaXIgc2JoYXEgZ3VyIFRFUlJBIHJ0dCAoZnJwZXJnIGpiZXEgPSBCYXZiYSkuLi4gZ3VyIGFya2cgY3ZycHIgYnMgZ3VyIGNobW15ciB2ZiA6IEpKOTFWVHV1cXpIdE16OTFvekR0cVR1eVZSOUZESDVVRUZPeU0ycGhZdjR0cVR1eVZUNXlyVUR0cFR5eUwySHRvMkx0cVR1eVZVTzFyYWNmTUZPY3BsTmJuMkk1VlEwdG9KU2FvekkwWEdiWG4yOXVWVUl5bzNSdE1hSWJwYXB0TXp1ZVZUSWNxbE9rTTIwaFl2NHRNMms0VlVjeU1UcHRxVFdrTDJmdEx6YnRvS0V5VlVNYk1VQTRNRk9pTXdiWEx6STVxVDlnbjJSdVZUNWZvUE9icFV5NXFsT2dNYWJ0b0t1aUwyeWtWVDl6cVA0aFl2T2dNYWJ0b3pTNnJ2T3lvUWJ0cHp1NnBqYlg
You have found the GREEN egg (secret word = Onion)... the next piece of the puzzle is : WW91IGhhdmUgZm91bmQgdGhlIE9SQU5HRSBlZ2cuLi4gdGhlIG5leHQgcGllY2Ugb2YgdGhlIHB1enpsZSBpcyAoa2V5ID0gbWFnbmV0KToKa29hIHVlb3EgZnVocncgZmhrIGVpdyBxZ20uLi4gZ2x4IHplZGcgdGJxY2sgYmogbXRlIHZoZHN4ZSBvZjoKYmV5dG9ta2EhIG5sbCBocHl5dyBtZnogbXhvY2lxIG9mdC4uLiBtZnogbmF6eiBlbDogcmh6cwoK
Probably the most baseline egg (5)
You have found the ORANGE egg... the next piece of the puzzle is (key = magnet):
koa ueoq fuhrw fhk eiw qgm... glx zedg tbqck bj mte vhdsxe of:
beytomka! nll hpyyw mfz mxociq oft... mfz nazz el: rhzs
Opposites Attract (5)
What was the key used to unlock this cipher?
From the last question, we can see that the key was given to us, magnet.
Hey coach, I'm going to need a SUB (5)
What is the final message of the completed egg hunt?Since we know previous questions used ciphers, the hint is to use SUB (substitute). We can also see prior questions had a similar naming convention for the message, so I assumed “vtt” = “egg”. Putting this in we get:
The first and best result shows the flag was bean.